
Monday, January 21, 2019

My dirty kitchen didn't go anywhere

Saturday I had big plans.  They involved giving Mark a haircut, lots of housework and then repairing and painting a cradle my dad made for me when I was little girl.  I had added the last project because Adam was going to be gone a lot for church meetings and sometimes a creative project is what I need when he is gone.

I eyed Mark's thick and unruly hair and asked if he would rather go to Great Clips.  He said a resounding yes because I use clippers and it takes a long time (So. Much. Hair.) and I cut it shorter than he'd like.

If I didn't have to cut it, so much the better (especially since he drove himself).

Now I'd have more time to do all the things.

But I just talked on the phone with my sisters most of the morning.

Adam had a few hours break mid-day so we went to Home Depot for paint and wood (for the cradle).

We worked together on the cradle in the kitchen.  I decided the garage was too cold and I was going to clean the kitchen later anyway.  I had sanded and he was screwing in reinforcements to the base.  I knew there was a BYU Women's basketball game that day but I thought it was in the evening.  We had a stake conference meeting so I was going to miss the game.  Bit I realized that the game was at 2:00 PM!

It was about 1:30 and I said, "I want to go to the game!"

Adam said, "Go for it."

And I did.

I told Adam to LEAVE the mess because he had meetings and I felt sort of guilting dashing off leaving him in the middle of the project anyway.

I forgot my phone in Joan but I knew where Stephanie usually sits.  I caught her son Dillon's eye who was seated behind Stephanie.  I pointed to his mom.  Dillon poked her shoulder and Stephanie turned around and her happy face reflected my own joy of getting to see my dear friend for the second time in one week.  Also, she had an empty seat next to her right there on the front row.

What a game!  BYU trailed most of the game and in a heart-stopping last quarter, pulled ahead and won!  Stephanie is in general a pretty tranquil and unflappable person.  ALL of her cheering is positive and she never criticizes a player (or come to think of it anyone).  But this was intense and like she said, probably shaved a year off of our lives.

Paisley is amazing!  She has talent and just a fierceness that is sort of at odds with her sweetness when you talk to her.  I love to watch.

Look at me, turning into a sports fan.

I called my grandma on the drive home from Provo so we could chat about the game.  And my dirty kitchen was waiting for me, right where I left it.

It's nice that housework is so patient.

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